Mint Business Insights

With Tony Alexander

View May Report

Tony Alexander on why Mint Business Insights is the report all Kiwi businesses need in 2024

Key insights from our May report

Survive till '25

Many businesses are adopting a survival strategy, aiming to endure economic challenges until 2025, reflecting widespread uncertainty.

Labour Market Decline

Indicators show a decline in labour market strength, with firms cutting recruitment and workplace culture spending.

Pricing Plans Impacted

A net 12% of businesses plan to cut or freeze prices due to weak demand and cost pressures, highlighting monetary policy effects.

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About Tony

For many, Tony needs no introduction. As a regular commentator on the state of the national economy, Tony is regularly appearing in media interviews to help make sense of what is happening in our local and global economy. 

Tony left his appointment as Chief Economist with BNZ in 2019 to become an independent economist and has made it his purpose to help Kiwis make better decisions for their businesses, investments, home purchases. With all eyes on the economy this year, we partnered with Tony to help our business community prepare for the challenges the shrinking economy will bring.

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