Actionable tips to battle content fatigue

Actionable tips to battle content fatigue

02 May 2022

Dreaded content fatigue, when your audience gets too much of a good thing and starts to disengage with your channels. If you’ve seen your (previously fantastic) marketing and blog stats fall off the proverbial cliff, you might think it’s a lost cause. 

Good news; we have a few tips on how to bring your content, and your audience engagement, back from the brink. Read on for a few high-level tips and tricks to reignite your content marketing channels.


First up, a quick look at how you can tell your audience is experiencing content fatigue:

  • Your social media engagement rates are down
  • You aren’t seeing genuine conversations from your audience
  • Email open rates are falling
  • Pageviews have plummeted
  • You have a  high bounce rate
  • Time on each page has massively decreased

Revisit your content pillars

If you’re reading this and thinking ‘what are content pillars’, then you should add this to the very top of your to-do list. Content pillars align your business and social goals and provide you with a consistent framework in which to produce top-notch content.

If you have them, but you haven’t looked at them since you set them a few years back, now is the time to revisit them. Your 2019 audience likely had very different content wants to your 2022 audience, and you should be tailoring your content pillars to reflect this. Developing this deeper understanding of your content will naturally add value for your audience, and likely increase your waning engagement.

User-generated content

Sometimes what you need is right in front of you. If you’re struggling with new content ideas, look no further than your tagged photos, emails or contact us page on your website. Those involved with your business are your greatest advocates, and they’re likely providing you with some pretty great content in the process; you just need to be creative in how you utilise it.

Be it images from an office-based staff members day, an internal thought leader who’d be a great contributor to your blog, in-person video perspectives from on-site staff, or happy customers sharing testimonials with you, you have a plethora of content you can utilise with permission.


Refresh your design or layout

Do you know that we process images hundreds of times faster than text? This means that the visual components of your content is crucial to its success.  If you’re seeing content fatigue, there’s a good chance it’s due to the design not resonating with your audience any longer.

For design made easy, utilise Canva or your internal designer to breathe some fresh life into your content. Are there new visual elements you could introduce to your social feeds? Does your blog need stronger imagery or beautiful titles? Is your email marketing aesthetically pleasing to read? Never underestimate the power of good design!

Hire a professional

Sometimes, you just have to admit (happy) defeat and call in the reinforcements. Copywriters can breathe some fresh life into your content, allowing you to step back and take stock of your channels. They’ll find new ways to action your goals, utilising their top-notch wordsmithing to excite and engage your audience.

Likewise, a professional photographer or videographer will bring their expertise to the table by creating beautiful, high-quality pieces of content. While our smartphones can take some pretty good snaps, professionals can elevate your content to a whole new level.


We get it, content fatigue can be jarring - but your channels aren’t a lost cause. We hope this blog post has left you inspired to get out there and give your content a little TLC. Feel free to reach out to us for a chat, our experts would love to help you reignite your channels.